It may sound like a problem that is so simple to resolve, but it's one that so many property owners struggle with. More often than not, the garage becomes the graveyard of all that stuff that you no longer use, but for reasons that even you don't quite understand, you hold onto. And where there's...
Garage doors will make some noise when they open and close. That’s completely normal and nothing to be concerned about, but if the level of noise your door makes has increased ten-fold recently or there are lots of loud screeching noises, it's a sure sign that all is not well and that something ne...
Probably the only thing that is more frustrating than a garage door that won’t open is one that won’t close. At least with a door that won’t open, all of the items in the garage are secure. But if you’ve opened the door, need to leave, and it won’t close, you’re in a tricky spot. If you leave, wil...
In 2021 we want to be as efficient as possible. We care about protecting the planet and we care about keeping our personal spending under control. Making improvements to your garage space to make it more energy-efficient is one way in which you can achieve both of these goals in one fell swoop. An...