Since the early 90s, garage door openers have come equipped with sensors to protect you against injury. If these sensors detect that there is something in the garage door’s path, they will instruct your opener to raise the garage door back up so as to not put you in danger. After having a garage d...
Spring is the best time of the year to sort through accumulated clutter and overhaul your organization systems (or lack thereof). There’s a reason we use the expression “Spring cleaning,” after all. As the long, dark nights of winter shifts toward warmer weather eac...
If you've yet to install an overhead garage door opener, you've likely struggled to open and close your door manually for the past decade or more. Meanwhile, any neighbors with automatic garage door openers have made going in and out of the garage look so much...
Your garage door is supposed to open and close on demand. There’s not really much else to it – as long as it continues to do that, it’s part of your home that you likely won’t pay much attention to or spend much time thinking about. But, if this morning, you went to your garage, hit the button to...